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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Happy Dashehra!!

Dashehra is a Sanskrit word which means removal of ten bad qualities within you*:
*Ahankara* (Ego)
*Amanavta* (Cruelty)
*Anyaaya* (Injustice)
*Kama vasana* (Lust)
*Krodha* (Anger)
*Lobha* (Greed)
*Mada* (Over Pride)
*Matsara* (Jealousy)
*Moha* (Attachment)
*Swartha* (Selfishness)

Hence, it is also known as *'Vijaydashami'* signifying *”Vijaya”* over these ten bad qualities.

आइये दशहरा मिल के मनाएं...
खुद के रावण को हर रोज़ गिराएं ||

आप सभी को दशहरा पर्व की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!!

*" Happy Dashehra !!"*

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