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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Putting the I in ETHICS

If you are reading this, chances are you have a bit of spare time - in which case, I would strongly recommend you to read this.
Consider this recommendation to be a precursor to this post.

Apart from being a truly well-deserved eulogy to the best prime minister we have ever had, this article also traces the origins of today's omnipresent corruption in our system and collective psyche.

In today's world where blatant flouting of political propriety is the norm, can we ever expect to see any politician worth his salt (let alone a high-ranking minister) even considering plying by public transport? Oh, that, after (and because) he has voluntarily relinquished his position as a minister!
Yeah yeah, dream on!

True, we are not living in that era anymore, but what stops us from being better people than what we are?
Yes, none of us might (heck, can) ever attain such a towering moral rectitude as that of the great man, but why can we not try being at least true to ourselves?

I hope we never lose sight of the fact that even Shastri ji could have had his temptations.
Even he could have died rich, bequeathing a legacy of unforeseen wealth for his progeny.

However, we tend to worship only the glitzy, blighted by the chamak-damak, saluting only those who can bamboozle us with their 'numbers', dazzle us with their razzmatazz, making legends out of those who've 'made it large'.
In comes an Ambani then, while we forget the industriousness of a Tata.

Perhaps it is an unfathomable travesty, that understatedness goes unrewarded. The most genuine and morally 'rich' are often silent people. However, unfortunately, today's parlance has found the synonym of silence and understatement to only mean weakness and meekness.

Therefore, it is my humble attempt (in writing now, through this post!) that atleast I, shall put the I in ETHICS.

Strive I shall continue to do, for success and for everything I want to be...
But I don't need 'em if they come by losing the very principles which have shaped me.
What's the point of reading or writing a thousand words of eulogy....
if I do not actually imbibe the teachings of my hero - Shri Lal Bahadur ji?!

Amen to the effort and good luck to me! (and anyone else who'd like to follow suit)!!

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