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Thursday, July 14, 2011

There you go again!

'Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.' - Tamas.

Right then, so it's another anguish-laden post, in reaction to another set of serial blasts in Mumbai. And as i had said earlier, I'm afraid it might only end up being just another date/anniversary of yet another terror attack, in the years to come.
I hope I am wrong but I am yet to see/notice any incident/action by the Government that can make me change my view.
All I can do is to just hope and wait for our Government to finally, kindly, please for Goddamn sake, - please, please - act!! Actually, come to think of it, act it does, but not the 'act' where 'act' is a verb, but where it is an adjective.
So dear heartless leaders, please stop the charade, relieve us of your bhaashans and found-again resolves, and just, only - ACT: TAKE QUICK, SWIFT ACTION AGAINST THE CULPRITS.

Right now, this is our typical cycle:
Blast > Govt issues the customary press release > Strongly condemns the heinous and unforgivable terrorist attack > Reaffirms tokenisms of ensuring justice and re-re-pledges war against terror > Re-re-re-warns terrorist networks of dire consequences, if repeated > Hails the much-abused 'spirit' of Mumbai and Mumbaikars > No Real Actions/Lessons > Blast..

I believe none of us wants to hear about Mumbai's spirit and resilience anymore. It's time we said enough is enough. And said just that, no more. Instead, for a change, can we please act on the culprits ASAP - atleast on known offenders like Kasab?
I want to read about how we put our foot down on this, like US did with Osama and Saddam.

We have no control over what others (terrorists) can do. But we can for sure control what we can do, instead of just spewing platitudes and offering ceremonial wreaths. Has even one terror attack (of even the smallest magnitude) occurred on US soil, post-9/11?
Touchwood for that, but has that happened just because of sheer coincidence or no effort or only due to press releases issued by the White House?

The least we can and should do is to set such a precedent that nobody ever dares to cast an evil eye on even one of our citizens, ever. 
Alas, we can only hope, wish, and pray.

1 comment:

Neha said...

Very sad, indeed. I can only hope the rests of the innocent souls rest in peace, and may the families get the strength to cope with their tragic loss.
To the Netas - they can only realize the effect and magnitude when one of their own suffers the way the aam aadmi does.