This post is dedicated to a cutlery set I observed, without which I couldn't have managed to write all this.. (..crap!)
I was just overseeing a cutlery set being placed, when I was struck by something. Well, that something which struck me, happened to be one of the glass items of the cutlery set.
In just a moment of negligence, not only was the glass broken, but even the beauty and symmetry of the entire set had also been lost, with the set now being rendered incomplete. Not to mention the fact that unless removed quickly and carefully, the glass pieces scattered all around posed a real danger to anyone treading on their path.
It was then, that another thing struck me - this time, a thought.
I thought of the following, which has now given way to this blog post:
While it's good to be transparent like a glass, I was just wondering how being a sensitive person is akin to being (like) another glass item.
Like glass, a sensitive person is also fragile and extremely susceptible to being 'broken' by the slightest of manhandlings or oversights.
We can easily find glasses/glass items in abundance. Similarly, one cannot classify the ultra-emotional, extremely sensitive kind of people in the category of dinosaurs or endangered species.
But if you think closely, it is not really a quality to be very emotional. In fact, if the 'very' part is to an extent that it affects your behaviour adversely and makes you a seething, over-the-top, mountain-of-molehill-attitude character, you are better off not being emotional at all.
What use are emotions if they do not help us be a better person?
What use are emotions if they become our masters and dictate us to feel so grumpy, so hurt, so annoyed that we ruin our relations? What use are they, if, instead of mending our relations, they strain them further?
I say all this because I consider myself among the sensitive lot and would anytime prefer to be sensible than being so sensitive that I change for the worse. Eventually, being too sensitive not only hurts us, but also the others who love us and who generally end up bearing the brunt of our outpourings (or even the lack of them!).
Let's all not be like a glass / cutlery set - always fragile and always getting labeled as handle-with-care - just like a glass, a sensitive person's nature is also prone to not only getting hurt easily, but also towards giving all around him endless and needless headache in being extra-careful all the time due to the fragile emotional strength of the person.
And again, even after careful handling, even one mistake is not 'forgiven', and just like glass, an over-sensitive person not only gets 'broken', but also presents a very real possibility of hurting others around with injury even after being broken.
It's wonderful to be emotional but surely not at the cost of hurting others' emotions. Let's be sensible and not sensitive.
Oh no na, too bad - if only that set had not broken, you wouldn't have had to go through all this crap!
But hey, don't get too worked up or 'emotional' about it. Uff, witty me, hai na?! :-)
Good one - finally, some non-cricket writing!
By the way, what's made you such a glass-expert?! I thought you'd be more into lasses, not glasses!
Nice use of glass as a metaphor for sensitivity. Good article.
@Kate: Thanks for the feedback! Maybe I'll write on the corelation between lasses and glasses sometime - but that's for some other time.
@Meghna - Thanks, and yes I will revert to ur e-mail too, in a while.
Well said.
Being extra sensitive and extra emotional translates into extreme vulnerability most of the times. Hence the aptness of the metaphor of glass.
Why be so sensitive, only to get hurt or end up hurting those who matter!
Its best to balance the heart with the head.
@Rina - You hit the nail on its head. Couldn't agree more with you.
beautiful correlation. Loved it. Only if this idea could be implemented easily, life would have been different :)
Thanks Abhay, glad you enjoyed it. Hope you and the rest of the khachchar gang is doing great! over-sensitive person not only gets 'broken', but also presents a very real possibility of hurting others around with injury even after being broken...
So, true. Like always, the swift stroke of a Master's hand... Lucid and well written!
Thanks Pallavi...with you around, there is always a chance of me getting overestimated! I love it nevertheless :)
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