It's been a little more than 14 years since the dastardly attacks of 26/11 in Mumbai.
While the world has moved on to other stories, other tragedies too, the memories of that horrible night continue to haunt the nation. I was nowhere near Mumbai that day. I lost no one from my known circle of family and friends. Still, it was a day when one felt the entire nation lost someone or the other.
Perhaps a lot of the angst has come from the fact that the people being targeted were hapless, innocent civilians, and many foreign nationals identified by citizenship and religion,
It was made worse by the satellite channels which beamed live and "exclusive" coverage of the attacks and our counter-operations in defense.
We keep recounting the horrors of that night and the ensuing days but what will remain etched in my memory is the valor of our armed forces and the resilience of our citizens. It was a tragic day but it was also a day to ensure that we do not let any of the perpetrators rest till we bring them to justice. Most importantly, to Pakistan, as the nation being the sponsor and mastermind, orchestrating the entire series of attacks that day across Mumbai.
I am confident that we will always remain united and will continue to defend the motherland, and if need be, even go on the offensive to defuse and/or pre-emptively extirpate any sinister plans by anyone against our country.
To the martyrs of 26/11 - Jai Ho!