It's been more than a year since COVID-19 hit the world - at least most parts of it.
One could have been forgiven for thinking that things would be fine more than 400 days later. Especially when many nations began coming out of it towards the end of 2020. Or at least began showing signs of improvement and more control over the dreaded pandemic.
However, no one would have thought that despite the knowledge that a second (or third) wave would hit them, most countries were feeling more confident and more secure by the time we welcomed 2021.
However, this turned out to be a disastrous miscalculation, surely in a place like India.
Apart from mistaking the lull before the storm as a complete flattening of the curve, we made two cardinal mistakes.
1) No one bothered to increase mass-scale production of vaccines and begin vaccinations across the length and breadth of this huge country. Governments' failure - both at the Centre and states.
2) With the few people who began getting vaccinated (along with of course, the Corona-fatigue of people who had been locked down), there was a general sense of nonchalance and insouciance towards continuously following COVID-appropriate behavior. Public failure and gross negligence.
To make matters worse, people began congregating in mass gatherings with impudence of I-care-two-hoots for masks and social distancing.
No one bothered to think that even if they would be fine, someone else who could become more vulnerable to any potential virus that their presence could escalate.
The results have been catastrophic and here we are, today. Record number of cases, record number of deaths, horrifying accounts of people dying of lack of oxygen, hospitals turning patients away, doctors and medical staff breaking down and feeling helpless, the list goes on and on.
While we cannot undo the past, we can certainly do much better to improve our present and future. Please do not venture outside of your homes, unless it is absolutely essential. Even then, take every precaution you can, stay safe, and get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible and called upon.
This is also a moment to express our gratitude to all those who tireless helped others. Be it the doctors or other medical staff, the police and paramedical staff or the delivery boys or the sanitation workers who have ploughed away incessantly.
Thank you, everyone.
If you are a COVID warrior who can help others by donating blood or plasma, please do.
If you are anyone who can help anyone, please do.
This is a time when the entre nation needs us. All of us, together.
Stay strong and please take care everyone. I'm sure we will overcome this soon. Jai Ho!