Any others are just outliers." - Free Free 1008 Shailesh Dhaundiyal
At least the world of politics is surely one such cosmos, where truth and honesty is more a rarity than a norm.
Perhaps we as the janta - the perennial lesser mortal public, have also got so immune to their selfish, manipulative and devious nature, that their self-centredness and complete lack of principles is the only thing that we can now expect of them consistently.
What's more, despite looking as divided as they may ostensibly seem, this is the one trait that cuts across party lines.
The political one-upmanship in Maharashtra in every major party's brazen lust for power is another grim reminder of how sorry the state of affairs is.
One can only haplessly witness events where people poach, buy and sell MLAs - who are supposed to be our elected representatives, who have sworn allegiance to the Constitution of India, and who have pledged to uphold the values of integrity and principles in public life.
Where is your ideology?
Where are your principles?
There is no better to choose from - perhaps just a matter of opting for whoever/whichever seems to be the least worst.
Hopefully, we as the electorate, will either stand up to make a difference or continue to do our best in making the right/least-worst choices.